This is how to do steam therapy to children

Arengka Health - This is how to do steam therapy to children. Inhaling steam may help remove phlegm or mucus from the throat and moisten the respiratory tract.

This is how to do steam therapy to children

At the time of a cold or sore throat, inhaling steam can help you avoid clogged nose. People who suffer from asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis and allergies can benefit more by doing this therapy.

This steam therapy can not only be done in adults only, for children can also. How to do steam therapy for small children is not difficult.

Cough and runny nose is a disease that often comes to baby and child. Moreover when the weather is less friendly as the rainy season and transition season.

Cough and cold diseases are included in mild disease. Even so do not be underestimated, this disease is quite disturbing child comfort. Therefore, if the child has issued symptoms that lead to cough and runny nose, as soon as possible.

To overcome this, the first aid that can be done is in a simple way. Here are the steps:

  1. Prepare wood oil and containers that contain hot water.
  2. In the container containing the hot water, put 10-15 drops of eucalyptus oil into it.
  3. Let the child inhale the warm vapor that comes out of the hot water that smells of eucalyptus for some time, while patted his back.

This steam therapy can help relieve mucus that clogs the nose and throat. Also turn off the fan or air conditioner that makes the room temperature becomes cold and dry. Warm room temperatures can make a hot body temperature can decrease.

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2 komentar:

  1. This is how to do steam therapy to small children

    Inhaling steam may help remove phlegm or mucus from the throat and moisten the respiratory tract.

    At the time of a cold or sore throat, inhaling steam can help you avoid clogged nose. People who suffer from asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis and allergies can benefit more by doing this therapy.

    This steam therapy can not only be done in adults only, for children can also. How to do steam therapy for small children is not difficult.

    Cough and runny nose is a disease that often comes to baby and child. Moreover when the weather is less friendly as the rainy season and transition season.

    Cough and cold diseases are included in mild disease. Even so do not be underestimated, this disease is quite disturbing child comfort. Therefore, if the child has issued symptoms that lead to cough and runny nose, as soon as possible.

    To overcome this, the first aid that can be done is in a simple way. Here are the steps:

    1. Prepare wood oil and containers that contain hot water.
    2. In the container containing the hot water, put 10-15 drops of eucalyptus oil into it.
    3. Let the child inhale the warm vapor that comes out of the hot water that smells of eucalyptus for some time, while patted his back.

    This steam therapy can help relieve mucus that clogs the nose and throat. Also turn off the fan or air conditioner that makes the room temperature becomes cold and dry. Warm room temperatures can make a hot body temperature can decrease.

    ANHAR KAMIL – 9/01/2017

    Wartips - Menghirup uap panas dapat membantu mengeluarkan dahak atau lendir dari tenggorokan serta membasahi saluran pernapasan.

    Pada saat pilek atau sakit tenggorokan, menghirup uap dapat membantu Anda terhindar dari hidung tersumbat. Orang yang menderita asma, sinusitis, bronkitis dan alergi bisa mendapat keuntungan lebih dengan melakukan terapi ini.

    Terapi uap ini tidak hanya dapat dilakukan pada orang dewasa saja, untuk anak juga bisa.

    Cara melakukan terapi uap untuk anak kecil ini pun tak susah..

    Batuk dan pilek merupakan penyakit yang sering menghampiri pada bayi dan anak. Terlebih lagi pada saat cuaca kurang bersahabat seperti musim hujan dan musin pancaroba.

    Penyakit batuk dan pilek memang termasuk ke dalam penyakit yang ringan. Meski begitu jangan disepelekan, penyakit ini cukup mengganggu kenyamanan anak. Oleh karena itu, jika anak sudah mengeluarkan gejala-gejala yang mengarah pada batuk dan pilek, sesegera mungkin ditangani.

    Untuk mengatasi hal ini, pertolongan pertama yang dapat dilakuakn adalah dengan cara yang sederhana. Siapkan minyak kayu dan wadah yang berisi air panas.

    Pada wadah yang berisi air panas tersebut, masukkan 10-15 tetes minyak kayu putih ke dalamnya. Biarkan anak menghirup uap hangat yang keluar dari air panas yang beraroma kayu putih selama beberapa waktu, sambil ditepuk-tepuk punggungnya.

    Terapi uap ini dapat membantu meredakan lendir yang menyumbat hidung dan tenggorokan. Matikan pula kipas angin atau AC yang membuat suhu ruangan menjadi dingin dan kering. Temperatur ruangan yang hangat bisa membuat suhu tubuh yang panas bisa menurun.

    Tolong bagikan info ini ke teman, kerabat, dan keluarga Anda.
