Easy Blogger Tutorials from A to Z for Beginners

Arengka Tutorials - Easy Blogger Tutorials from A to Z for Beginners. Blogger.com or better known as blogspot is a service to create a blog for free which can be spelled out very easy to use. But for beginners who just learn blogging sometimes though easy to feel difficult and complicated.

Well for that reason, there is nothing wrong if I make a complete and easy blogger tutorial from A to Z for novice bloggers. Hopefully the tutorial that I wrote below can be a bit of enlightenment for newbie bloggers who are just learning blogging.

Easy Blogger Tutorials from A to Z for Beginners

Why choose blogger.com?

Before I go, maybe you are wondering:

Why blogger? there are many others.

Indeed, in addition to blogger.com is actually still a lot of blogging services that can be used, but most people in Indonesia prefer blogger.com.

Here are some reasons:

  • Because it's free
  • Easy to use for beginners
  • The feature is quite complete
  • Can be used to make money
  • Trusted because it is managed by Google
  • And others.

How to create a blog at blogger.com

To create a blog on blogger.com is very easy. All you need is a Google account, then sign up for free at www.blogger.com.

Please follow the following ways:

1. Log in to https://blogger.com

2. Login using your Google account. If you do not have, please make first.

Google Sign Up

3. If you have not created a Google+ profile then click "Create a Google+ profile", but if you already have a Google+ profile then skip to the next step.

create a google plus profile

4. Click "Continue to Blogger"

click continue to blogger

5. Click "New blog" to create a new blog

click new blog

6. Fill out your blog details, then click "Create blog!"

click create blog

7. The blog is finished. To see your blog just click the "View blog"

view blog

How to Post Articles

After you successfully create a blog, the next thing you need to do is start filling your blog with writing or posting articles. Posting articles on bloggers can be spelled out very easily. Basically almost the same as writing an email. If you are used to writing emails then to post articles on bloggers is not a difficult thing to learn. But if you've never written an email then that means you're really clueless. But do not worry because it's never too late to learn.

Here are the steps:

1. First you must login to https://blogger.com using your Google Account

2. If you have entered, now just click the button with the icon "Pencil":

click icon pencil

3. Next you will be directed to the article editor page in blogger. Take a look at the picture below with the explanation:

compose a bloger editor post


  • Number 1: The title of the post.
  • Number 2: Post content.
  • Number 3: Menus to change the writing color, font size, image and video uploads, etc.
  • Number 4: Post format. Just choose "Compose" for beginners.
  • Number 5: Post label or category.
  • Number 6: Schedule of article publication.
  • Number 7: Permanent link.
  • Number 8: Your location when writing the article.
  • Number 9: Some other options to choose from.
  • Number 10: Button to publish your article.
  • Number 11: Button to save post to Draft.
  • Number 12: Preview post before publishing.

4. Once you understand a little with the menus that exist in the article editor in blogger, then write anything you want to write.

5. Click the "Publish" button when the article is finished.

6. If you live check your blog address. Now your writing is online and can be read by many people:

view blog home page

Well, it turns out writing articles on blogger is very easy is not it? Then you can blog as you like.

How to install widgets

Widgets or in blogger.com called Gadget is a content in the blog in addition to posting from the blog itself. This widget is usually located in the sidebar of the blog.

widget blogger preview

Widgets inside blogs can be installed, uninstalled, and also moved around as desired. In addition this widget is optional, not necessarily installed on the blog. So you can create a blog without installing widgets at all.

Here are the steps for installing widgets or gadgets on blogger:

1. First you must login to your blog dashboard.

2. After login, go to menu "Layout".

3. Well here you can add widget by clicking "Add Gadget".

add gadget or widget

4. In blogger.com already provided some gadgets that are ready to be installed. Surely you are not obliged to install everything. Simply select the widget that is really needed.

basic widget at blogger

What widgets should be installed?
Most beginner bloggers are usually too much in mamasang widget in blogger. many who assume that more and more widgets are installed on the blog then the blog will be more cool. Yet the reality is actually the opposite.

The fewer widgets installed on the blog will get better. The reason is because if installing too many widgets will confuse visitors, but it will also make loading blog longer.

Here are some recommended widgets that should be posted on your blog:

  1. Popular Post Widget
  2. Label Widget
  3. Archive Blog Widget
  4. Profile Widget.

In addition to these widgets, there is one more widget that is quite often used in blogger, the widget HTML/ JavaScript.

The function of this widget is to add widgets using HTML code as well as JavaScript. Commonly used to install third party widgets (widget not from blogger.com) and also to install banner ads.

Understand the menus in blogger

After my friend managed to post an article and install some widgets on the blog, then my friend needs to understand the menus in blogger.

These menus are very important to understand because it can facilitate your friend in taking care of your future blog.

What are those menus?

Please log in to blogger.com and log into your blog dashboard. After that you will be presented menus more or less like this:

menus of blogger dashboard
Below is a complete description of the menus:

1. "New entry" button
Button to create a new post or article.

2. Overview
In this menu you can see your blog's short statistics such as number of visitors, number of posts, number of incoming comments, number of followers, etc.

3. Post
Menu to display a list of all the articles in your blog.

4. Pages
Menu to create and display all static page lists in your blog.

Menu to display all the list of comments that go to your blog.

6. Google+
Menu to associate your blog with a Google+ profile.

7. Statistics
Menu to display your blog's complete stats such as number of visitors, number of pageviews, visitor sources, etc.

8. Campaign
This menu is specific to you who want to promote your blog through Google AdWords (paid feature)

9. Layout
Here is where you set your blog layout as well as a place to install blog widgets like popular article widgets, or widget followers.

10. Templates
Here is a place to change your blog template or theme. In addition you can also edit your blog template directly on this menu.

11. Settings
Place your blog settings. If you want to change the blog title, change the address, or change the language of the blog then this menu is the place.

In addition to the above menusnya menu there is still one menu again, it's just that the default menu is not displayed for blogs in Indonesian language. Like the menu "Earnings" which serves to link your blog with Google Adsense to earn money from ad impressions.

How to replace / install a template

One of the cool features that exist in blogger is we can change the template or view our blog as you wish.

In blogger.com has provided some default templates that can be selected, in addition you can also use third-party templates that have been scattered on the internet.

Well most likely you will prefer to use third-party templates because the templates already provided blogger average ugly and too simple.

Then how to change the template on my blog?

The steps below:

1. Search for blogger template

Now to replace blog templates with third party templates, the first thing you need to do is find a blogger template to download.

Outside there are many providers of blogger templates, tens and even hundreds, from free to paid.

To find the template provider just search in google with keywords like this:

search for free blogger templates

2. Extract template files
The template files you download are generally in .zip or .rar format. To install it on the blog, you need to extract the file. The way as shown below:

extract template files

Once extracted, inside there is a file with the format. Xml, now that's the file that you will install to blogger.

Once you have downloaded the template and extracted the .zip file, the next step will of course be installing it on the blog.

The trick is very easy. Here are the steps:

1. Log into your blog dashboard.

2. Click the "Templates/ Theme" menu.

menu of theme in blogger dashboard

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