5 Benefits of Cucumber That Makes Your Body Healthy

Arengka Health - 5 Benefits of Cucumber That Makes Your Body Healthy. Cucumber is one of the fruits that have been populist especially this dinusantara. That's because the price of cucumber itself is not like other vegetables are expensive, to get enough cucumbers with the money Rp5000 have been getting a lot of cucumbers.

5 Benefits of Cucumber That Makes Your Body Healthy

From cultivating cucumber is not difficult let alone cucumber is one plant that is very fruitful and fruitful once many in number. From the physical side of mentium has a round shape elongated or oval with the skin warana from light green to dark green and mempunyaia white flesh with seed that certainly safe to eat because it is not hard. The content of water that many in cucumber makes cucumber is very suitable at consumption in the hot sun, will feel fresh and delicious.

Cucumber is also one of the fruits that like to be combined in some typical Indonesian food. Almost every food is always suitable combined with this cucumber because of the texture and it is very fitting in the food, for example in our fried rice often have cucumber that has been in the box or slices of flat or when there is a sukuran event likes to make yellow rice, cucumber must exist in the event commonly called "tumpeng" it. But you do not feel bored with the cucumber because this one fruit has a very useful properties for your body's health. Here are 5 benefits of cucumber that can nourish your body:

1. Natural Medicine Diabetes

1. Natural Medicine Diabetes

Diabetes becomes a familiar disease. Diabetes is a disease because blood sugar levels exceed this normal limit because our bodies lack insulin that can break down glucose into our energy source so that sugar continues to accumulate. Cucumber is a natural remedy for diabetes because cucumber has substances that can stimulate insulin production in our body so that glucose can be treated properly.

2. Constipation Prevention

2. Constipation Prevention

Constipation can be practically simple is difficult bowel movements. Can be caused by shrinking of the intestinal membrane or indeed the peristaltic movement of the intestinal muscle is less or less drinking.Obat to overcome constipation is a drug with laksativa efficacy or laxative. But cucumber can also prevent constipation because the water content in cucumber is very good for your digestive organs.

3. Blood Pressure Controller

3. Blood Pressure Controller

High blood pressure or hypertension becomes a fairly serious disease because it can cause a deadly disease that is stroke. There are so many people who can not control blood pressure causing hypertension. Potassium, magnesium, and fiber in cucumber can control your blood pressure so it can return to normal pressure.

4. Reduce Cholesterol

4. Reduce Cholesterol

Cholesterol must exist in every human body. there are two types of cholesterol there is a body that is certainly useful there is a disadvantage that is bad cholesterol. If high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood can cause serious illness. because eat cucumber because cucumber has a sterol compound that can fight your cholesterol. This sterol is very effective to reduce bad cholesterol levels.

5. Poison Removal

5. Poison Removal

Benefits of cucumber is as a remover of this poison because the water content in the cucumber itself there are about 95% contain antidote compounds. antidotum can fight toxins in the body especially. antidotum can absorb and remove toxins that exist in the body. how to get rid of toxins through the urine or through sweat.

Eating food with cucumber is very tasty at once because it has a unique flavor when chewed. especially with other fruits combined such as tomatoes cooked on fried rice. it sure tastes good. Not only delicious cucumber is also very healthy for the body with the benefits of fruit that can be spelled cheap is very popular by the public.

1 komentar:

  1. 1. Obat Alami Diabetes

    Diabetes menjadi penyakit yang sudah tidak asing lagi. Diabetes adalah penyakit karena kadar gula dalam darah melebihi batas normal ini dikarenakan tubuh kita kekurangan insulin yang dapat memecah glukosa menjadi sumber tenaga kita sehingga gula terus menumpuk. Timun merupakan obat alami pada penyakit diabetes karena timun memilki zat yang dapat merangsang produksi insulin dalam tubuh kita sehingga glukosa dapat diolah dengan baik.

    2. Pencegah Sembelit

    Sembelit bisa dibilang sederhananya adalah susah buang air besar. Bisa disebabkan menciutnya selaput usus atau memang gerakan peristaltik otot usus kurang atau kurang minum .Obat untuk mengatasi sembelit adalah obat dengan khasiat laksativa atau pencahar. Tetapi timun juga dapat mencegah sembelit karena kandungan air yang banyak dalam mentimun sangat baik bagi organ pencernaan anda.

    3. Pengontrol Tekanan Darah

    Tekanan darah tinggi atau hipertensi menjadi penyakit yang cukup serius karena dapat menyebabkan penyakit yang mematikan yaitu stroke. Banyak sekali orang yang tidak bisa mengontrol tekanan darah sehingga menyebabkan hipertensi. Kandungan Kalium , magnesium, dan serat dalam mentimun dapat mengontrol tekanan darah anda sehingga dapat kembali ke tekanan normal.

    4. Mengurangi Kolestrol Jahat

    Kolesterol pasti ada disetiap tubuh manusia. ada dua jenis kolesterol ada yang dibutuhkan tubuh yang pastinya bermanfaat ada yang merugikan yaitu kolesterol jahat. Jika kadar kolesterol jahat dalam darah tinggi dapat meyebabkan penyakit yang serius. oleh karena makanlah timun karena timun memiliki senyawa sterol yang dapat melawan kolesterol anda. Sterol ini sangat efektif untuk mengurangi kadar kolesterol jahat.

    5. Penghilang Racun

    Manfaat mentimun adalah sebagai penghilang racun ini karena kandungan air dalam timun sendiri ada sekitar 95% mengandung senyawa antidotum. antidotum dapat melawan racun dalam tubuh khusunya. antidotum dapat menyerap dan mengeluarkan racun yang ada dalam tubuh. cara pengeluaran racun dapat melalui air seni atau melalui keringat.

    Memakan makanan dengan mentimun sangat enak sekali dilidah karena mempunyai rasa yang unik saat di kunyah. apalagi dengan dipadukan buah lain seperti tomat yang dimasak pada nasi goreng. pasti rasanya lezat. Tidak hanya enak mentimun juga sangat menyehatkan sekali bagi tubuh dengan manfaatnya buah yang bisa dibilang murah meriah ini sangat disukai oleh masyarakat luas.
